More anger

Alright. i’m back. With a vengeance.

No seriously, when i say punk what do think of? Leather. Long messy disgusting hair. Drugs. Sex. Fuck. Sex Pistols. And the like. Not today’s modern culture.

I just recently went out to NOFX and their gig out at Hordern Pavillion in Sydney finally waiting for them to come out after 2006. After witnessing Jane’s Addiction earlier in the year with the original Nothing’s Shocking line up I was not disappointed by Fat Mike and the crew. Entralling and outrageous with many hits from their new record Coaster, which I am looking at reviewing soon so keep watching, they produced a great performance and played many great hits from the past.

NOFX was one of those bands who were able to brink back rock after its so called demise in the 90s due to the chaos and fucking up era of grunge and garage rock. They did what punk did in the 70s (both in the USA and UK) – make it simple because they could play complicated stuff and play it double time with overdriven guitar and being there writing music to make a point – with your lyrics.

So, that’s the prime basis of punk and being able to say FUCK YOU! To anyone and everyone. However, as I mention punk to my friends one of them said, ‘I love punk. Green Day is awesome!’


Green Day for anybody out there saying it is punk IS NOT PUNK.

Remember, to be PUNK you don’t have to dress punk and play punk music but you can’t be PUNK just because you look PUNK. Punk was a movement in the 70s and it was about rebelling to everyone, in particular ‘the pigs’ and ‘the government’. Green Day don’t. If anything, they used to be pop-punk 10 years ago but now of couse they succumbed to labels and money and went shit. Not many bands don’t change after this. If any. Well there are some but you’d
need to find them yourself.
So, my angts against this whole thing will never stop but until another moment like today happens i’m gonna take a break from ranting at the youth and their bad education.

Watch soon.

NOFX – Coaster review coming soon (when I analyse it enough)


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